
Write search request API to search request against one or more clusters of Elasticsearch

Project maintained by Ajinkz Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham



Write search request API to search request against one or more clusters of Elasticsearch

Searching using the query parameter

GET /<index>/_search

POST /<index>/_search

GET /_search

POST /_search

Search a specific index

curl -GET "localhost:9200/customers/_search?q=wyoming&pretty"

Search in several indices

curl -GET "localhost:9200/customers,products/_search?q=user:wyoming&pretty"

Search in all indices

curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_search?q=name:kimchy&pretty"


curl -X GET "localhost:9200/_all/_search?q=name:kimchy&pretty"


curl -X GET "localhost:9200/*/_search?q=name:kimchy&pretty"

Multi search API

Executes several searches with a single API request

GET /<index>/_msearch

GET /twitter/_msearch
{ }
{"query" : {"match" : { "message": "this is a test"}}}
{"index": "twitter2"}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}

Create payload name requests

$ cat requests
{"index" : "test"}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}, "from" : 0, "size" : 10}
{"index" : "test", "search_type" : "dfs_query_then_fetch"}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}

{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}
{"search_type" : "dfs_query_then_fetch"}
{"query" : {"match_all" : {}}}

Query using curl

$ curl -H "Content-Type: application/x-ndjson" -XGET localhost:9200/_msearch --data-binary "@requests"; echo