CRUD operations using Elasticsearch APIs
Launch Elasticsearch service
Open command prompt in administrative mode
Type elasticsearch
In browser check this site: http://localhost:9200
or use curl
Check cluster heatlh status
GET /_cat/health?v&pretty
GET /_cat/nodes?v&pretty
Listing all indices
GET /_cat/indices?v&pretty
Create an index (equivalent to creating a new database)
PUT /index-name
curl -XPUT "localhost:9200/products?&pretty"
Query a index/document
Apart from curl, you also use Postman or YARC for handling API request PUT /index-name/document-name/id
... : ...
Id is optional, if not provided it will generate a unique id for this record
Fetching documents
GET /products/mobile/1
curl -GET "localhost:9200/products/mobiles/1?pretty"
Getting partial documents
curl -GET "localhost:9200/products/mobiles/1?pretty&_source=false"
curl -GET "localhost:9200/products/mobiles/1?pretty&_source=name,reviews"
Updating documents
Updates using the _update API with “doc”
curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" "localhost:9200/products/mobiles/2/_update?pretty" -d "{ \"doc\": { \"color\": \"black\"}}"
For deleting record
DELETE /index-name/document-name/id
curl -XDELETE "localhost:9200/products/mobiles/2?pretty"
For Removing index
DELETE /index-name
curl –XDELETE “localhost:9200/orders”